Destiny - Where is Xur - July 14-16

Find out where Xur, the Agent of the Nine, is hiding out this weekend.
Destiny players have been looking forward to Friday every week since the game initially launched, and it isn’t because it’s the final day of the work week. No, Friday ix the day that Xur, the Agent of the Nine makes his way to the Tower (or Reef) in Destiny to sell Guardians Exotic goods.
Where is Xur?
Today, Xur is in the Tower. When you spawn into the social space, turn to your left and head into Tower North. Run all the way to the area where the Speaker is, and you’ll find Xur hanging out by the railing. It’s one of his favorite spots.
What is Xur Selling?
This week, Xur is selling a variety of Exotic Armor and Weapons, including a couple Exotic Weapon and Ornament bundles. The items and their cost in Strange Coins and Silver Dust are listed below:
- Legacy Engram - Chest Armor: 29
- Immolation Fists (Titan) - Gauntlets: 13
- Chest of Alpha Lupi (Hunter) - Chest Armor: 13
- Starfire Protocol (Warlock) - Chest Armor: 13
- Monte Carlo - Auto Rifle: 23
- Dragon’s Breath/Tigershark - Heavy Weapon: 30/25
- Suros Regime/Basilisk’s Glory - Auto Rifle: 30/25
While it used to be standard procedure to pick apart what Xur was selling and advise Guardians on what they should buy, that’s hardly necessary these days. Destiny is winding down, which is evidenced by the fact that players are scrambling to figure out how to download the Destiny 2 beta, and to figure out the Destiny 2 PS4 and Xbox One beta start times.
Of course, if for some reason you’re wondering what you should buy, our advice is to grab it all. If you don’t own it, buy it as a collector. If you do own it, save your Strange Coins for the next time you’re wondering where Xur is.
Bill, who is also known as Rumpo, is a lifelong gamer and Toronto Maple Leafs fan. He made his mark early in his career through guide writing and a deep understanding of editorial SEO. He enjoys putting in the work to create a great content, be it a wild feature or grinding out an in-depth collectible guide. Tweet him @RumpoPlays if you have a question or comment about one of his articles.